Kwadratuur: The Sense of Time

De Nederlander Sjaak Overgaauw lijkt het goed te vinden in Antwerpen. Niet enkel organiseert hij er kleurrijke en sfeervolle festivalletjes onder de veelzeggende naam Antwerp Ambient, maar als Premonition Factory produceert de lichtzinnige elektronicaschepper ook hemelse dingen. ‘The Sense of Time’ is de tweede plaat van de muzikale fantast: een reis waarin tijd en ruimte even niet meer relevant blijken. Negen tracks lang sleept Premonition Factory zijn aanhoorders mee in

Time on his side: Ambient cycles of growth and decay

With the right set of ears, listening is anything but a passive process. Until he emerged as a recording artist under the Premonition Factory banner with last year’s 59 Airplanes waiting for New York, Antwerp-based Sjaak Overgaauw spent fifteen years mainly with decoding the systematics underpinning classics like David Sylvian and Robert Fripp’s Gone to Earth. Throughout this period of discovery, there was never any rush to step into the

Dark Entries review: 8/10

[Dutch] – Premonition Factory is het pseudoniem voor de Nederlandse muzikant Sjaak Overgaauw. De negen tracks op zijn tweede worp, de opvolger voor ‘59 Airplanes Waiting For New York’, zijn stuk voor stuk gebaseerd op live gespeelde improvisatie sessies. Overgaauw gebruikt de techniek van ‘live looping’ wat betekent dat de muziek in lagen wordt opgebouwd en zich manifesteert in ‘real-time’. Het interactieve procedé zorgt steeds voor vernieuwing. Het is een

ATTN:Magazine review

The Sense of Time may be expansive, but it’s not infinitely so. This is the sort of ambience that sounds as if it’s lapping up against the concrete walls of aircraft hangers rather than drifting into space without return, and I find myself reminded of Deep Listening (collaboration between Stuart Dempster, Pauline Oliveros and Panatois, recorded inside a gigantic water cistern) for the way in which Premonition Factory explores a

igloo review – The Sense of Time

Impresses as a contemporary update of classic ambient space cadence that manages to both lull and engage, to be serene, even blissful, without falling prey to the insipid tendencies of some of the recent jumpers on the No-Age and post-Kosmische synth bandwagon. Sjaak Overgaauw is not a name that will resonate especially strongly, that is unless you’re an adept of the Antwerp ambient scene. Under the moniker Premonition Factory, he’s

Review by

  Premonition Factory ist der in Antwerpen ansässige Niederländer Sjaak Overgaauw. Mit “The Sense Of Time” hat der Gründer des Antwerp Live Looping Festivals sein zweites Album veröffentlicht. Premontion Factory spielt auf “The Sense Of Time” mit den verschiedenen Gemütszuständen, die Ambientmusik beim Hörer hervorrufen kann. “Darkest Hour Pt.1″ eröffnet das Album und wie schon der Titel verspricht, ist die Stimmung düster. Was Sjaak hier aus seinen Keyboards zaubert, sind – the sense of time

 „the sense of time“: guter titel für eine vö dieses genres. wobei: welches genre denn genau? ambient? drone? improvisierte musik? auch wenn ggf. besonders letzteres vielleicht nicht vordergründig zu hören zu sein scheint, verbindet premonition factory auf „the sense of time“ genau wie schon auf dem debüt „59 airplanes waiting for new york“ alle drei aspekte zu einem schlüssigen (weil gleichermassen spannenden wie entspannenden, aufbauenden wie bedrohlicherem, sphärischen wie bewegteren)

Evening of Light – The Sense of Time

I was really excited when I found the new Premonition Factory album in my mailbox a few weeks ago. The first album, 59 Airplanes Waiting for New York, was warmly received here, so then there’s always some pleasant anticipation for whatever follows after. The anticipation changed into profound joy, because this is an extremely fine ambient album that is immediately pleasant to listen to, with loads of deeper layers to

Premonition Factory  is the name of the ambient-electronic music project by Sjaak Overgaauw, a dutch musician currently living in Antwerp, Belgium. ‘The Sense of Time’ is his second full CD, the follow up to 2010’s ’59 Airplanes waiting for New York’. It contains eleven tracks of different length, presenting an impressive hour of well balanced immersive ambient sounds. Most are ‘classic’ ambient: slow washes of drones, sparsely interspersed with background